Build Reports
Maintainable Test provides reporting capabilities that help automate many of the common tasks of analyzing test data needed by manufacturing and quality assurance.
Name Reports

Name Report - viewing tests across units
Any data can be aggregated on Maintainable Test and then added to a report. The reporting functionality allows you to do further analysis on data beyond aggregation.
Building a report does not require learning a complicated toolkit or buying a new software package. Many reports can created on our web interface with a single click.
Maintainable Test is equipped with a set of standard reporting capabilities that are always available. New features are added to this fequently and all customers receive these automatically. We can also customize Maintainable Test with reporting capabilities specific to your organization.
Calculate Yield

Yield by Test - calculate yield by passing tests
One of the most common tasks performed by manufacturing engineers is calculating yield. Yield reports are one of several kinds of reports that you can generate automatically with Maintainable Test.
Yield can be quickly calculated on the UUT level, where the overall pass/fail status of each UUT determines the yield. It can also be calculated per test, allowing test failure trends to be easily identified and processes refined.
Any report that can be viewed on the user interface can easily be downloaded in several formats, including CSV for easy import into spreadsheets.
Share Reports
Each user on Maintainable Test may create any number of independent aggregations and reports without interfering with other users. Teams can also share reports between users.