Aggregate Data
Maintainable Test allows you to quickly view a single test result and can also aggregate many test results.
Make Selections

Making Selections - quickly choose results
You can drill down through any data set using our powerful search filter functionality. From there, you can select results to aggregate. Our convenient interface makes selecting results easy and efficient.
You can quickly select or deselect any number of results on a page. Checkboxes let you select individual results easily. Results are also numbered and these numbers can be entered into a text box for even faster selection.
After making selections from the results, the rows change color on the user interface to make it clear which test results have been selected.
View Aggregations

Aggregate Tests - viewing tests across units
Once you have selected the data to aggregate, viewing the results of the aggregation is just a click away.
Maintainable Test allows you to quickly aggregate tests and measurements. You can filter each of these all the way down to the measurement level, e.g. to view a specific measurement across many units tested.
You can quickly export any data aggregated into CSV format for quickly pulling that data into a spreadsheet.
Aggregation isn't limited to tests and measurements. You can even aggregate file attachments and download them individually or as a convenient ZIP file.